I have had this feeling of frustration looming over me since last week in regard to diet and exercise. I feel as though I'm worrying too much and/or over thinking my nutrition and exercise. I have been making good choices overall and have been pleased but yet my body has only responded by dropping a total of 5 pounds. I am doing my very best to keep a little faith in myself, my hard work and dedication, and in the process itself and not be "ruled by the scale" but it's increasingly difficult. I'm only human and tend to respond to results like everyone else I know. Granted, I have been able to see some subtle changes for the better. My nails are growing and are stronger and my skin seems clearer as a result of the nutritional changes I've made and incorporating clean eating. I have struggled on a few days with feeling bloated but that has mostly been when my sodium intake has been a little higher than normal.
I am concerned that at the end of the 12 weeks for this Transformation Contest that I will not have achieved the results I set out to. I realize that this "transformation" for me is not only about changing my body by way of pounds but also by way of lifestyle. I set out on this journey to change the way I interact with food so that I don't live to eat and continue with unhealthy habits as a whole; rather learn to incorporate a healthy way of living and allow the rest (weight loss, better healthy, disease control, fitness, etc.) to fall into place.
I will say that I'm enjoying the workouts that I'm doing. The Turbulence Training workouts are so easy to fit in and complete at home, especially with minimal time. I'm also trying to learn a little about HIIT and incorporate that as well into my weekly routine. In addition, I'm taking a boxing class 2 days a week which gives me a little variety and support of some really great women who whole heartedly support my journey and are also on their own. So, my workouts are there but I'm going to try and give them everything I have this week and see if that doesn't make a difference. I'm really going to crank them out and work hard. I'll also incorporate the 2 days of rest I'm supposed to have as well.
So what am I trying to learn from this frustration I am feeling?!?! I think I need to learn to channel it and use it. I am trying to stay positive and soak up as much knowledge in the nutrition and fitness arenas that I can so that I can better arm myself to "transform". In addition, I'm trying to keep in mind what Susan, the nutritionist I'm working with over at Catapult Fitness, reminded me of in one of her postings: "the journey to better health starts one step at a time!".
Even still, though, I really am hoping for that dang scale to show a little more progress come weigh in time on Friday. I'm doing the work, the results have to come, right???
All in all, I have lost a total of 5 pounds since December 27th, though…..that is 5 lost and not gained, so there is some significance in that!
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