Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Reminding myself to give thanks for what is most important...

With tomorrow being Thanksgiving and knowing that I've been feeling so much frustration with myself and the little things in life lately, I thought I would change my focus a bit and think about the things in my life that are so very good that I have to be grateful for. At times, I think it's so easy to get wrapped up in weight loss, body image, financial woes, chores, lack of time etc. that we lose sight of all the fabulous things we have in our lives, both big and small. Those things are far more important than what size jeans I have squoze (yes, I know it's not a word) myself into today! I am in hopes that by taking a moment to reflect, I can remove myself from that negative mindset and get back to me, the happy and content me, and recall what is truly important in my day to day life.

Here goes…

I am grateful for my daughter, Natalie. She keeps me smiling and laughing (when I don’t want to choke her) and I am so proud of the little girl she is becoming. She has a pretty wonderful heart and although she has my sassiness, she is good girl. I’m proud of her determination and sensitivity and I look forward to watching her continue to grow and go through life’s journey. I know the world is full of possibilties for her and I know wonderful things will come to her.

I’m thankful for Keith. I know it sounds cliché, but he is truly my soul mate and my heart. I found him at a time in my life where I had forgotten what it was like to love and be loved. I hate that we both traveled painful roads to meet one another but feel that those experiences have better equipped us to appreciate one another through the good and bad. He is my friend, my love, my cheerleader, and my voice of reason when I get a little out of control and he loves me despite my insanity. Pigtails loves you, Mr. Keith!!

In addition, I’m also thankful for Keith’s children, Ethan and Colin. These boys make me smile so much. The love I feel for them is special. They aren’t mine by birth but I have chosen to love them with all my heart because of who they are and the wonderful hearts they both have. Over the past 3 or so years, I have gotten to know them and have watched them grow into 2 boys that I am proud to know and whose lives I’m so fortunate to be a part of. I look forward to the men they will be and sharing in their lives.

I am thankful to have a family that through the years has supported me and helped me to become who I am today. I have been taught to have faith in God and respect myself. For that, I am thankful. I am grateful to have had a father that was my best friend for so many years and taught me how to love life and enjoy it, even it’s littlest of moments as that’s where memories are made. I miss him daily. I am also thankful for my mother. Through her struggles, especially in the past few years, I have watched her persevere. Though we push each other’s buttons at times, she is probably my biggest cheerleader in life. She has taught me what sacrificial love is all about. I hope that I am half the mother to Natalie that she has been to me, even when I was a horrible teenager and thought she didn’t understand me at all! I love you, Mom!

I am thankful for wonderful friends. God has always placed the right people in my life when I’ve needed them the most and I’m a better person for their support and advice. I never knew how wonderful it can be to be surrounded by great women as friends. I’m thankful for those that have been in my life for a long time and also for those I’m just beginning to know and who inspire me daily and probably don’t realize how much I need them in my life. I’m a lucky girl!

Lastly, I’m thankful for my health. This has been a trying year in that department. I didn’t think that I would overcome some of the difficulties and hurdles I have had to in this last year and only at the age of 34. I have since come to realize that by being diagnosed with a chronic illness, it doesn’t mean that becomes my life. It simply becomes one small facet of my life and one that I can learn to live with, not allow to rule my life. At the end of the summer, I was still having difficulty walking as a result and was so sick from March on this year, but was just beginning to get this thing under some small amount of control. Now, I’m rebuilding my strength and realizing my limitations and that I can still push myself to overcome some of them. Although I get frustrated with my body, I am so very appreciative of it as it allows me to live life daily. I have learned that it works with me better when I care for it as I should and feed it well, rest it, and allow it to have fun. Health is something I took for granted until there was an absence of it in my life. I didn’t realize how truly important it is. Now, I am trying to make it of utmost importance and learn to care for myself so that I can better care for those around me!!

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year as it’s not about giving gifts and the like. It is about relaxing and taking time out to enjoy those around us and reflect on what we all have to be grateful for. No matter where you are in your life and on your journey, there is SOMETHING to give thanks to God for!

What are YOU thankful for?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Christmas Exchange Excitement

Thanks to Clemsongirl, there is a little extra Christmas fun in my future. She is hosting a Christmas Exchange and I have been paired with Mrs. Big. This is new to me, but should be a lot of fun to do.

Thanks, Clemsongirl!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Spaghetti Squash Recipe Idea

OK, so I have had this spaghetti squash in my kitchen taunting me but I have not had a grand recipe for it until now! I found the recipe at Cara's Cravings and cannot wait to make it.

I may not be able to tonight as I don't have any spinach or feta and need to make a quick grocery run. Perhaps I can make that happen tomorrow!!

So, here's the recipe in case you'd like to try it:

Spaghetti Squash with Spinach, Raisins, Walnuts & Feta
Printable Recipe

1 large spaghetti squash, roasted, seeds discarded
1 tbsp olive oil
75 gm sliced sweet onion
1 10oz package fresh spinach, thick stems removed
30gm walnuts
40gm raisins
1oz feta cheese, crumbled
pinch of nutmeg, salt & pepper

Toast the walnuts in a dry skillet over low heat. Remove from heat when they are fragrant and just beginning to brown.

Meanwhile, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Cook the onions until soft and translucent, about 10 minutes. Add the spinach, cover, and let cook until the spinach is wilted down, about 5 minutes.

Use two forks to remove the stringy flesh from the cooked spaghetti squash. Toss this with the spinach and onions, and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Add the walnuts and raisins and heat through. Mix in about half of the crumbled feta, and top with the rest of the cheese to serve.

Nutritional Info
Servings Per Recipe: 2
Amount Per Serving
Calories: 385.8
Total Fat: 21.1 g
Cholesterol: 12.6 mg
Sodium: 330.0 mg
Total Carbs: 46.9 g
Dietary Fiber: 9.9 g
Protein: 11.5 g's Monday!!

Nothing cures insomnia like the realization that it's time to get up.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Time to "walk the walk"...

I feel that I have become very good at talking the talk when it comes to health, nutrition, weight loss, name it. It's time to "walk the walk" and quit being a hypocrite. I have become increasingly frustrated with my lack of consistent commitment to my health. I have a love/hate relationship with food and I need to accept that life doesn't revolve around food or the next meal but that I need food to LIVE!

So...right here...right now, I am making a promise to myself to treat my body better, consistently eat more healthy, stay away from candy and sweets, drink more water, and exercise. I love my exercise routine currently, but there is definitely room for improvement. I am committing to walking/running my neighborhood three times a week in addition to the 3 day a week kettlebell routine I have. The extra movement cannot hurt and makes me feel better and happier with myself.

No more screwing around.....true commitment. Today is "IT"...not tomorrow, not Monday............TODAY! No more feeling like a failure because I haven't done 100% each day to this point, but today I will inspire myself to try again until I get it right!

With all that being said, I will close with this quote from Marian Wright Edelman: "You're obligated to keep trying to do the best you can every day."

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My first official post...

So here I am, in the world of blogging.... What am I blogging about, you ask? I haven't a clue as of yet. I do, however, find others' blogs interesting and thought it might be fun to talk about whatever the mood strikes me at the time. We'll see how this thing unfolds as it does.

Today's topic -- Flu shots!! I just got a flu shot for free where I work this morning. I have been trying for WEEKS to get one as I have Crohn's disease and my GI specialist told me to RUN, not walk, to the nearest clinic and get myself one immediately. Well, that was harder than I thought. No one had them....pharmacies were out, doctors' offices were out, couldn't even get the health department on the phone. So, I was lucky enough to finally get one....and for free no less! YAY! Regardless, I was feeling sick last night and running a slight fever. Today, no fever but still stuffy and feeling a little puny. They allowed me to get it anyway, so I'm hoping for the best.